Unleash your literary passions,connect worldwide.
More than just a social space for book lovers
Lieper is the new social media for you to get away from soul extracting social media
Lieper books is a social media platform for bibliophiles across the world where they can interact with fellow book lovers, buy books, gift books and join book clubs of their choice to discuss their favourite literature. It also supports Independent bookstores by providing them with a space to sell on the platform without those exploitative margins that the digital giants impose on them.It seeks to enhance their digital identity and bring in one single space the entire literary ecosystem so that they can reap community benefits and grow together.
We host Book clubs where you can discuss your favourite literary genres and connect with fellow book lovers on the application. These clubs are also monetizable spaces which will host exclusive content by your favourite literary content creators.
We are all about books. We provide a refreshing take on the social platform for readers, writers, reviewers and bloggers with an integrated massive book library powered by Independent Bookstores. We believe in originality and in freedom to express who you truly are. No matter how odd of a mix you are, we don t judge. Get to know other people interested in the same things as you and buy your favourite books from the bookstores you love without having to ever leave the app.
You can buy and gift books on the application from your favourite round the corner Bookstores and help them fight the onslaught of digital giants while also breaking the ice with people in the most aesthetic manner possible.
You can blog about anything under the sun in the spaces section and can also review books that you own or are buying from the application.
Any book that you buy from the platform will be displayed in your reads section in your profile. Once your reads cross a certain milestone you can apply for a verified badge on the platform which will give you access to free books every month and many other perks.
Lieper envisions to create a digital ecosystem for the entire literary community including readers, authors, writers, poets, literary content creators as well as independent bookstores where they can reap massive community benefits all at one place. From being a haven for readers wanting to connect with one another to literary content creators looking to monetize their content to independent bookstores looking for a robust digital e-commerce identity, Lieper is a holistic digital space for them all.